
Global News reporter and camera operator swarmed by protesters, escorted by police

Global News journalist Kamil Karamali and a Global News camera operator were swarmed by protesters while covering a convoy rally in Surrey, B.C. on Feb. 19, 2022. 

TVA journalist shoved by convoy protester while reporting live

TVA journalist Raymond Filion was pushed while doing a live report during a convoy protest in Ottawa. 

Protesters harass Global News journalist

Convoy protesters surrounded and yelled at Global News journalist Seán O’Shea while he was filming a live report near Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Protesters harass Global News crew in Ottawa

Convoy protesters surrounded and harassed a Global News crew that were trying to film a report near the War Memorial in Ottawa. 

Convoy protesters harass TVA journalist and camera operator

TVA journalist Yves Poirier and a TVA camera operator were surrounded and harassed by convoy protesters in Ottawa on Feb. 16, 2022. 

Convoy protesters harass TVA camera operator and journalist

TVA journalist Yves Poirier and a TVA camera operator were surrounded and harassed by convoy protesters in Ottawa on Feb. 16, 2022. 

RCMP in British Columbia obtain court order for return of document leaked to Capital Daily

The Supreme Court of British Columbia upheld a court order for the return of an RCMP document leaked to Capital Daily managing editor Jimmy Thomson. 

Global News journalist harassed covering convoy protest in Hamilton

Protesters harassed Global News journalist Diana Weeks while she was covering a trucker convoy protest outside Hamilton City Hall.

Convoy protester says Global News reporter, other journalists should be executed

A protester at a convoy rally in Toronto on Feb. 5, 2022 told Global News journalist Seán O’Shea that he and other journalists should be executed. 

CBC video journalists harassed by convoy protesters 

A CBC video journalist was surrounded and verbally harassed by a crowd of people at a convoy protest in Vancouver.