
Journalists receive threats after Maxime Bernier encourages followers to “play dirty”

Journalists received harassing emails after People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tweeted their email addresses and encouraged his followers to “play dirty.” 

Journalists receive threats after Maxime Bernier encourages followers to “play dirty”

Dozens of media workers received harassing emails after People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tweeted the email addresses of three journalists and encouraged his followers to “play dirty.” 

Journalists receive threats after Maxime Bernier encourages followers to “play dirty”

Journalists received harassing emails after People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tweeted their email addresses and encouraged his followers to “play dirty.” 

Journalists receive threats after Maxime Bernier encourages followers to “play dirty”

Journalists received harassing emails after People’s Party of Canada leader Maxime Bernier tweeted their email addresses and encouraged his followers to “play dirty.” 

Shots fired at Brampton home of radio and TV host

Gunshots were fired at the Brampton, Ont. home of Joginder Bassi, host of the radio and TV show Gaunda Punjab. 

B.C. Supreme Court throws out defamation suit against Victoria’s Capital Daily, awarding it costs

The British Columbia Supreme Court has thrown out a defamation case against Capital Daily of Victoria, suggesting that the suit filed by Timothy Durkin should be dismissed as the case has ”strong indicia” of a strategic lawsuit against public participation, or SLAPP.

RCMP restrict media workers’ access as arrests made at Fairy Creek

RCMP prevented journalists, including freelance photographer Chad Hipolito on assignment for the Globe and Mail, from approaching a protest camp in the Fairy Creek old-growth forest on Vancouver Island as officers arrested protesters on Sept. 9, 2021. 

Anti-vaccine protesters harass and threaten CTV journalist

Anti-vaccine protesters in Victoria harassed and threatened CTV journalist Scott Cunningham, who said he was forced to leave the protest as a result. 

RCMP deny CBC crew vehicle access to Fairy Creek protest site

RCMP officers refused to allow a CBC vehicle through a checkpoint on a road leading to a protest site near Fairy Creek, forcing the crew to make a 14-kilometre round-trip hike to access the area. 

Halifax police threaten to arrest journalists covering homeless encampment eviction

Halifax Regional Police threatened to arrest journalists and pushed a CTV video journalist covering the eviction of a homeless encampment.