
Fact-checking as an act of courage

It’s essential for journalists to fact-check their work even in the face of nagging doubts about its effectiveness in countering disinformation. Continue Reading Fact-checking as an act of courage
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Generative AI is already being used in journalism – here’s how people feel about it

Who or what makes your news – and how – matters Continue Reading Generative AI is already being used in journalism – here’s how people feel about it
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Conservative party leader Pierre Poilievre restricts press conference questions 

At a press conference in Toronto, federal Conservative party leader Pierre Poilievre refused to take questions except from publications which had been pre-selected by his communications team. Poilievre took questions from True North, Rebel News, Y Media SouthAsianDaily, Oxygen Canada News and Radio-Canada.  “When asked why, his team just said ‘That’s what we’re doing today,’”…

Media access restricted at federal Conservative party rally

Media workers covering a federal Conservative party rally in Ottawa were restricted to an area at the back of the room, and not allowed to move around or interview people.  “Please note that media are to remain in the designated zone and will not be permitted to roam the room or foyer to conduct interviews,”…

The resilience of local journalism in a digital age

How the Orono Weekly Times learned to balance tradition with evolution Continue Reading The resilience of local journalism in a digital age
The post The resilience of local journalism in a digital age first appeared on J-Source.

Nova Scotia government restricts media access at provincial legislature 

The Nova Scotia government introduced a new policy to prevent ministers from answering questions from journalists in the provincial legislature building.  Previously, journalists could interview ministers in the lobby and other common areas of the building; under the new policy introduced by NS premier Tim Houston, interviews are allowed only in a designated media room…

Healing the journalism pipeline: Tips and tricks for understanding the legal state of post-secondary journalism in Canada

It’s no secret that the journalism industry in Canada is in a state of crisis. From widespread distrust in media to the financial volatility brought on by digital journalism, most attention has been paid to the status and future of legacy media. However, without the reputation and resources larger journalistic institutions can fall back on, it is often those among the industry’s most vulnerable who face the greatest brunt of these issues — in this case, student media.

Western Standard journalist denied access to Liberal leadership candidate campaign event

Western Standard journalist James Snell was denied access to a federal Liberal leadership campaign event held by candidate Mark Carney in Edmonton.  A video of the event shows Snell speaking with a campaign staffer at the door to the event and identifying himself as a journalist and a member of the Alberta Legislature press gallery. …

Kwantlen University student union council bans election candidates speaking to media

Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s student union introduced a new policy barring student council candidates from speaking to the media during elections. The new electoral regulations state that student council candidates “will be disqualified if they publish news articles on their candidacy or platform, engage in interviews with news outlets once the period for nominations is opened,…

Nova Scotia government denies access to media covering cabinet swearing-in

Changing a longstanding policy, the Nova Scotia government prevented journalists from attending a swearing-in ceremony for cabinet ministers.  In a press release, the government said that journalists would not be allowed to attend because of limited capacity at the event, which was held inside the Halifax Convention Centre. Instead, the government announced that the event…