
Montreal digital startups reimagine work in a struggling industry

Three outlets offer a way forward amidst grim news of closures and layoffs Continue Reading Montreal digital startups reimagine work in a struggling industry
The post Montreal digital startups reimagine work in a struggling industry first appeared on J-Source.

The cutthroat politics behind Google’s $100-million deal

Lobbying, public attacks and the desperate fight for media survival  Continue Reading The cutthroat politics behind Google’s $100-million deal
The post The cutthroat politics behind Google’s $100-million deal first appeared on J-Source.

Victims, burdens, and problems: A thematic analysis of Le Journal de Montréal news coverage of Roxham Road

Identifying further research avenues and opening discussion on the media portrayal of asylum seekers in Québec Continue Reading Victims, burdens, and problems: A thematic analysis of Le Journal de Montréal news coverage of Roxham Road
The post Victims, burdens, and problems: A thematic analysis of Le Journal de Montréal news coverage of Roxham Road first appeared on J-Source.